October 18, 2010

Bullied By The World

A child's life begin in school.
hearing words that destroy a life will lead to death.
it is happening now
while I write
in every seconds of my life.
a life is being destroy by words.
we should decide the future of a child.
we should respect every child for they are the future of mankind.
bullied by the world should stop for it will hurt our lives.

October 13, 2010

33 Jesus

They resurrected from beneath the earth.
love ones are waiting for they conquered evil.
grueling days are forever gone and a new life has evolved.
they contemplated death but they reached out their hands to god and saved them.
lives are forever changed for the 33 Jesus.
dedictated to the Chilean miners.

October 05, 2010

The Righteous

A religion devastated with molestation still insist that contraceptives are immoral.
not immoral to destroy a child's life forever.
a religion that teaches dignity but destroyed its own credibility.
never saw their kind that committed sins.
a church that lied so much to the people who worshipped them.
separation of religions and laws are forever complicated to ignore.
from the pearl of the orient to the land of milk and honey.
individual freedom has a tremendous affection in every life.
there is no freedom when a religion dictated once life.
the victims are already been forgotten for the righteous are the sinners.

Orpheum Boston