October 11, 2004


I was born on Sept 11th.
The former dictator of the Philippines was born on 9/11.
The Israeli Olympic Team were murdered in September.
There were many negative things happened in September.
I always think that the month of September is curse.
I wish I was never born on Sept 11th.
I will always think about those 3,000 people who died on my birthday that day of infamy.
I will always think how the world changed on Sept 11th.
America and The Philippines are now two different world torn by terror.
I am a Filipino born on 9/11



Got here totally by chance. Here's another 9/11 event you might find interesting: On 9/11 of 1714, Barcelona was forced to capitulate to Philip V. Proud Catalunya saw in the Bourbon monarch an absolutist government, and feared political and cultural subjugation to Madrid. They were right, and up until the last decade they were still fighting for equality and recognition.


Anonymous said...

some li'l birdy told me you're gonna get married on september 11th... how's that? you think it's still a curse? wehehehe!!!

seriously, things happened for a reason... if we will read the bible (ehem!) these things are really bound to happen, prophesized before time...

expect more famine... get ready... but don't be afraid, we have GOD who is powerful above all...

WeNGGaY said...

you were here in Cali on September 11, 2007 with someone whose only goal in life is to make you happy...

forget about that bitter events that 9/11 had brought...

