April 12, 2006

Universal Healthcare Was Signed

The Governor of Massachusetts signed the bill for Universal Healthcare. It is time for the unfortunate to see a physician after a long wait for an affordable health insurance with a cost.

(1) the individual mandate: all state residents are required to purchase healthcare insurance. The gov will step in to help those who can't afford it.

(2) the employer mandate: all employers (w/ 11+ employees) are required to help pay for insurance ($295 per employee)

I hope Jacksonville, Florida and the rest of the country will follow the example of Massachusetts when it comes to taking care of it's poor and unemployed in different ways

The questions are....

What will I do now?

How much do I have to pay?

Can a small business can afford the cost of care?

The local government is still not helping me?

What about new taxes?

My plan was A Total Free Care for all residents of Massachusetts paid by the Local and Federal Government.

"Be seen and be taking care of " .

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